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KRACK Security Vulnerability Exploits WPA2 Protocol

The latest security vulnerability to hit the headlines has been named KRACK – which stands for ‘Key Reinstallation Attacks’. KRACK is a security vulnerability present in WPA2 protocol which is widely used in Wi-Fi connections. (WPA2 stands for Wi-fi Protected…

Nonocore RAT Malware

Dangers Posed By Zero-Day Vulnerability

The battle between software manufacturers and hacking community is a never-ending one. Every security measure these software manufacturers adopt is eventually compromised or broken by the hacking community. Apart from the security measure breaches, the software manufacturers are also confronted…

Best Free Firewall

5 Firewall Programs for Protecting Your PC

It’s a well-known fact that antivirus packages alone are not sufficient to safeguard PC(s). While antivirus does offer protection against malicious security threats out there, they can do very little in terms of “regulating or governing the traffic” which comes…

Adware Removal Tool

Top Windows 10 OS Vulnerabilities and How to Fix Them [Guidelines]

Microsoft has released a free upgrade for Genuine Windows 10 and Windows 8/8.1 users. A free upgrade is on the line, which will give them an added advantage viz-a-viz better security. The new Windows Device Guard, Hello, and Passport. Nevertheless,…

Showpad Malware

Ransomware- Definition, History and Prevention

What is ransomware? Ransomware is a types of malware that prevents or limits access to a system or network by encrypting files on the system. Thus, when a system is infected with ransomware, either the screen itself gets locked or…