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What is ransomware virus?

Ransomware is malicious software which is also known as ransom-malware that threatens to delete or deny access to data, once it takes control over a computing device. The cybercriminal who initiated the attack commands ransom to be paid through cryptocurrency or credit card in order to recover the access to the files or the computing device itself.

How does ransomware work and spread?

Ransomware is a form of malware that is used to extort a payment from the victim’s computer. Two forms of ransomware exist.
1. The files are encrypted by the virus on the system’s hard drive.
2. The virus locks the host system entirely.

What is a multi cloud platform?

With the multi-cloud platform being the need of the hour, A novel approach on security should be in par to technology development to deliver robust protection. Most of the organizations do not own a data center.

What is a multi cloud Security?

According to the research and analysis by Enterprise Strategy Group, 75% of current open cloud platform clients implement the use of a range of cloud service providers. A multi-cloud approach has a scope of advantages however, it is complex to handle Multi-Cloud Security.

What does man in the middle attack mean?

Man in the Middle (MIM) attacks can be used to monitor network traffic to steal valuable data or security credentials such as IDs and passwords. It can be used to generate a denial of service attack that slows or halts network communication.

How does a man in the middle attack work?

In network security, a “Man in the Middle Attack” refers to a hacker program insert themselves into the middle of communication between a client system and a server system. He tricks the client into thinking that he is the server and the server into thinking he is the client.

How do I know if my computer has malware?

Security experts and researchers have recently observed certain malware attacks targeting IoT devices that lead to the wiping of data from the infected systems/devices. There are many warning signs that computer is malware infected – Your computer is slowing down, annoying ads are displayed, internet traffic suspiciously increases, and your security solution is disabled.

What is IoT malware?

The other such malware, again targeting Linux-based IoT devices, is named BrickerBot and is launched from compromised routers and wireless access points. BrickerBot seeks to authenticate with common username and password combinations those devices that have the Telnet service running and which are exposed to the internet.

How can we avoid online dangers?

There are downsides, however, and the most obvious is that our personal information can flow into the wrong hands. Worst case, you could have your bank accounts drained by identity thieves. Sad today, the worst case is happening more and more these days. Use Comodo Internet Security and Antivirus. Comodo’s default deny architecture with auto-sandboxing allows you to operate safely even when confronted with a zero day threat.

What do you mean by Stay Safe Online?

Information flows today like never before. That’s because we have replaced impressions made on pieces of paper for storage with ones and zeros represented by electronically. We have built vast networks where ones and zeros that make up almost everything that is knowable about a person can flow almost as fast as the light can shine.