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What is Computer Worm?

Computer Worm Definition and Types. How to Prevent them?

What is Computer Worm? A computer worm is a type of malicious software program which infects other systems by making multiple copies of itself and spreading itself onto other computers within the network. Computer worms exploit certain parts of the…

what is conficker

What is Conficker Worm?

Conficker is a computer worm developed by malware authors to infect Windows computers with the vulnerability (MS08-067) and spread the infection to other such vulnerable Windows computers connected to the network without any human intervention. It is also called Downadup.…

Computer Worm

What is the Morris Worm?

The Morris worm was released on November 2nd, 1988 by Robert Tappan Morris. It was the first of computer worms to be distributed on the internet that would not work as planned. Origins As mentioned above, the worm virus was…

Computer Worm

What is Computer Worm and How this Virus Spreads & Infects PC

    A computer worm is a type of malware which is intended for infecting vulnerable computers in a network. Computer worms tend to quickly replicate themselves and wiggle their way into poorly protected computers. Even today worms exist, the…

Computer Worm

What is a computer worm virus? How they infect and methods to remove them

  What is a Computer Worm Virus   The term worm in computing refers to a malicious software whose main role is to infect computers, remain active on the infected system and self-replicate. A computer worm is programmed to duplicate…

Computer Worm

Definition of Computer Virus. What are they and How to Remove them

A computer virus is a malicious software program or piece of code created by a hacker to upload onto a user’s computer without their knowledge for performing malicious actions. Computer viruses are harmful and designed to spread from host to…