How to Detect and Remove Trojan Virus
Trojan or Trojan Horse is a specific type of software that masks itself to look harmless and take control over a user’s device. This virus is capable of stealing data, putting additional strain on the CPU, disrupting the computer’s most basic operations or damaging the network. Trojan tricks the users into thinking that it’s just an MP3 song, video or a .txt file. Once you click on these files, the malware takes over and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Here we will look into different types of Trojan Viruses, how to recognize them and finally how is Trojan removal done.
Common Types of Trojans
Backdoor Trojan – This malware creates backdoors that the hacker uses to access your device and control it.
Fake AV Trojan – This makes you think it’s an antivirus and makes you pay for detecting or getting rid of potential threats. The threats are fake and are there just for luring in money.
Game-Thief Trojan – These days, game accounts cost a lot, especially if they have unique weapons. This virus seeks and steals account information as soon as you install it.
Mailfinder Trojan – This virus finds passwords to email addresses and robs them.
Trojan-Spy – This is one of the deadliest and most dangerous malware. It can spy on you for days, track the apps you run, take screenshots, and record keystrokes.DDoS Attack Trojan – This one attacks a network breaking it down completely. The cybercriminals use devices of other users to siege a sophisticated network.
Infostealer Trojan – It steals precious date from your computer, laptop or mobile devices.
Downloader Trojan – This downloads or installs more sophisticated malware to take over your device completely.
Ransom Trojan – It demands a ransom to give you back control of your device.
RAT (Remote Access Trojan) – This gives the hacker total control over a computer/gadget.
SMS Trojan – Exclusive to mobile devices, this Trojan sends and intercepts messages you send through your phone.
Trojan-Banker – This one is only interested in your financial accounts. It watches every activity online and finds a way to steal passwords/logins.
Rootkit Trojan – This hides the activity of malware so that it can run on your computer without being noticed.
Trojan IM – It steals your passwords and logins.
Trojan-Dropper – Hackers use this to install their malware or to hide their activity.
Recognizing and Detecting Trojan Virus
Trojan viruses have been employed as a delivery device for a variety of malware. If you suspect your device may have been infected by a Trojan, then lookout for the following signs:
- Pop-up and spam interruptions – notice an uptick in the number of interruptions from email spam or browser pop-ups.
- Strange device behavior – programs running that were not initiated by you.
- Poor device performance – computer crashes more frequently than normal or running slowly.
If you find any of these symptoms on your computer, a Trojan virus may have managed to sneak it’s your computer.
How to Remove Trojan Virus
After you have recognized the Trojan Virus, the next step is Trojan removal.
To initiate the Trojan removal process, try searching your computer for any applications or programs you don’t remember installing all by yourself. Enter any unrecognized programs or file names into a search engine to determine if they are recognized Trojans.
You can do it in two ways, either manually or install an antivirus program.
Manual Virus Removal
- Disable the function of system restore – This restores all the files you have deleted.
- Restart the computer – Press F8 and then select safe mode to start your computer.
- Go to add or remove programs – Find this in the control panel and then click on the program or file affected with Trojan virus.
- Remove extensions – Delete all files of a program and remove them from the Windows System folder.
When you have successfully done the provided procedure, restart your system in normal mode.
That’s it, now you can use a Trojan virus-free computer and just be extra careful next time not to be infected again.
The best way is to install antivirus software and perform a virus scan to keep your computer virus-free.
Here are some more tips to protect your device from Trojans.
- Use firewalls to improve your security.
- Update your OS to improve the protection of your device.
- Use long, sophisticated passwords with capital letters, special characters, and numbers. Don’t use simple and basic passwords like 1234 or your birth date.
- Make a habit of constantly backing up the most critical data.
- Always check email attachments with an antivirus.