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mac protection

Mac Malware Attacks Register 230% Rise in the Last Twelve Months

Reports suggest that Mac is no longer a safe haven as it was believed to be; Mac malware reportedly is now the highest it has ever been and there has been a 230% rise in Mac malware attacks in the…


ShadowPad Malware Strikes NetSarang Products

Another day, another malware. The latest victim’s name is NetSarang – a Korean software development company. It seems that the malware which has been named ShadowPad was successful in installing ‘what is known as backdoors’ in several of the products…

Nonocore RAT Malware

An Inside look on how to fight against malware

Once security breach is exposed, security experts in the industry need to know how the aggressors got into what should be a protected system, and what they’re really doing that is causing such issues for users. It’s a never ending…


Anti-Virus Solutions Don’t Provide Sufficient Security

In the present day world of zero-day attacks, an anti-virus solution alone is not enough to protect your enterprise systems. Not only have the number of cy ber threats increased but so has the complexity and modes of attacks. It…


How to Protect Businesses from Cyber Attacks

On the one hand, we are developing the most advanced of cyber security technologies and keep ourselves equipped with all kinds of security software and virus removal applications like antivirus software, firewall, endpoint protection tools, POS security software etc. On…

virus removal

Latest Malware to Hit the Headlines is JUDY

Another instance of what might happen if devices are not properly secured with the right security tools like antivirus software was revealed recently when a multitude of Android devices downloaded a number of “JUDY branded apps” available under “cooking and…

Android Protection

The Crazy Bug that left a billion of Computers Exposed

Gone are the days of contemporary endpoint protection anti-malware tools. Last Friday security researchers from Google’s Project Zero announced that they have found a Windows bug, not any bug, but a “Crazy Bug”. A particularly nasty security issue in anti-malware…

Microsoft Releases Patches for WannaCry Ransomware

The WannaCry ransomware has wrecked havoc across the world. Europol and cyber experts have termed this attack as unprecedented. WannaCry – also known as WannaCrypt, Wanna Decryptor, and WanaCrypt0r 2.0, is a virus that combines a ransomware and a worm…

Petya Ransomware

The Wannacry Woes: What It Is and How to Be Safe from All Ransomware

We saw how Microsoft’s expressed relief headache ended as they released this statement “we fixed this vulnerability two months ago! If you all updated your security settings in Windows this wouldn’t be a problem! Last Friday this ransomware called ”…

Cloud Antivirus

Cloud Security and Traditional IT Should Go Hand in Hand

Cloud security is the order of the day, the trend and the need of our times. Enterprises today spend much on cloud antivirus and cloud security, but with many enterprises finding the right balance between cloud security and traditional IT…