Know More About Computer Safety Using Comodo Antivirus

Purge your PC of Malware

So, now you have malware on your PC. You are not alone, so you don’t have to worry alone. There are hell-a-lot of different types of malware, and each need its own fix. However, remember that “Prevention is better than…

Mac Antivirus

Small Businesses Lag Behind in Cybersecurity, Employee Training

Businesses have long been a favorite target for scammers, and in the recent decades, more so among cybercriminals. Every week there is are news about websites being hacked, servers being compromised or database being destroyed; one thing common between all…

Cloud Antiviurs

Cloud Antivirus Machine Learning Can Upgrade IoT Security

Would you live in a house that has doors with faulty bolts? And would you go to a gunfight without a gun? Or worse, would you risk your privacy in exchange of a coffee-maker that knows your espresso preference by…

Mac Antivirus

VirusTotal Access to be Limited: Google

Google has recently made announcements to limit the access to its virus database website, VirusTotal, in an attempt to ostracise companies from the system who do not contribute to the website’s analytics. The news comes as a major blow to…


Multi-layered security approach against ransomware

Ransomware – the name spells disaster for businesses sometimes. Many are the business ventures worldwide that have had to face disastrous losses following ransomware strikes. Hence, combating ransomware is something that entrepreneurs all the world around accord top priority at…


Dynamer Malware Exploits Microsoft’s God Mode

Since nearly a decade now, Microsoft Operating Systems (OS) have this unique feature called “God Mode” that allows users to create a folder with a certain name and access the control panels from within a single folder. But Microsoft is…

Android Antivirus

New Overlay Malware Targets Android Mobile Devices

( Update: check the latest version of Comodo’s mobile security app) A new type of malware that tricks its victims in to sharing their login credentials in mobile apps has been found affecting Android smartphones. The malware family, dubbed as…

Antivirus for android

Why we need to understand the difference between antivirus and anti-malware

There are many people who get confused with the terms antivirus and anti-malware and fail to understand the difference between them. A few years ago it was just viruses that computer users were worried about and simple, free antivirus software…

Internet security

Malware Strike in the Form of Fake Speeding Tickets

The Malware A very innovative kind of malware has struck and taken people by surprise in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Some residents of the Philadelphia suburb Tredyffrin have reportedly received speeding tickets on email with instructions to pay the fine…


Hospitals Have a New Form of Virus to Fight – Ransomware

Hospitals in the U.S. are bracing themselves to fight against a new kind of virus threat – one that doesn’t weaken their patients’ immunity but seizes their sensitive medical records and encrypts them. However, for an industry that is focussed…