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What is Identity Theft?

Know How To Prevent Identity Theft

Today the increasing number of cyber attacks are targeted on individuals and small size businesses. The attacks are aimed at robbing an individual’s identity which is referred to as the identity theft. Thus, a stolen information, such as driving license…

Android Virus

How Do I Know If My Android Phone/Device Has Virus?

Cybercrime is at an all-time high. Criminals are not only targeting home users; they are also preying on businesses jeopardizing their websites and acquiring sensitive clientele information. How to know if your Android phone/device has a virus? Are you a…

Data Breach Essential Guide

Guide To Survival The Data Breach

Many of us might have fallen a prey to cyber criminals at least once in the last few years and suffered a bit due to data breach issues. In all cases, a cybercriminal uses malware to infiltrate the systems to…

botnet attacks

Botnet- What it is and how to defend against it!

When a particular type of malware infects and controls multiple internet-connected devices, it is called a botnet. In most of the cases, the device owners/users are totally unaware of the botnet infection. The infected devices may include servers, mobile devices,…

malware vs viruses

Hacking Definition, their types and methods to remove them

Hacking is a process performed by malware authors to attack a computer system or a network. The person who is involved in the hacking process is known as a hacker. Hackers find a way to gain unauthorised access and therefore…

Phishing attacks

6 Tips To Avoid Phishing Attacks

A phishing attack is a type of social engineering attack in which hackers send fake e-mails to gather confidential and private information for criminal activities identity theft. While phishing e-mails can look like legitimate ones from a reputable company or…

Computer Worm

What is Computer Worm and How this Virus Spreads & Infects PC

    A computer worm is a type of malware which is intended for infecting vulnerable computers in a network. Computer worms tend to quickly replicate themselves and wiggle their way into poorly protected computers. Even today worms exist, the…

computer virus

Do You Know How Computer Virus Spreads?

More and more people are falling a prey to the cyber attacks and losing the valuable data to an unrecognizable online fraudster is becoming one of the biggest nightmares. Say for example, the important analysis report that you prepared the…

virus protection

What Is a Botnet? How To Block Botnet Malware

A botnet refers to the network of infected computers that is controlled by a hacker remotely. The hacker makes use of the devices in the network to send spam, stage DDoS attacks, or spread viruses without the knowledge of the…

Best Free Malware Protection

Foreshadow Attacks on Intel Chips is Causing Serious Vulnerabilities

Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX) feature allows programs to establish secure enclaves on Intel processors. The secure enclave develops a safe haven for sensitive information, even if malware or another malady compromises the main computer. A global research group comprising…