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Android Security

Blueborne Vulnerability Can Affect Many Devices

It’s hard to come across a device which is not Bluetooth enabled these days. Therefore the blueborne bug, which exploits a security flaw or weakness in the Bluetooth technology, has the potential to affect millions of devices across the globe.…

how to remove android virus

Massive Malware Outbreak Hits Google PlayStore

Cybersecurity researchers have reported that Google is fighting a massive malware outbreak, and it is considered to be the second biggest outbreak that it has faced so far. Dubbed as ExpensiveWall Android Malware, it has been able to bypass Google’s…

Antivirus For Protecting Your PC

We live in an era where every other day witnesses a security attack of one sort or the other. Therefore’s there’s no doubt you need an antivirus package to keep your PC(s) safe. To safeguard them against the various evolving…

Best Free Firewall

Advanced Firewall Protection to Thwart AI-based Cyber Attacks

Cyber experts ponder whether next generation firewalls (NGFW) would be able to block cyber attacks involving artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. The methods and tools for cyber security have evolved over the years, and so have the threats, technologies,…


Antivirus or Firewall – Don’t They Mean The Same Thing?

No. While both are responsible for network security, the approach they adopt is different. Antivirus defends against security threats through surveillance. That is, by constantly looking out for malicious software (and not just viruses). Whereas firewall defends against security threats…

mac protection

Mac Malware Attacks Register 230% Rise in the Last Twelve Months

Reports suggest that Mac is no longer a safe haven as it was believed to be; Mac malware reportedly is now the highest it has ever been and there has been a 230% rise in Mac malware attacks in the…


ShadowPad Malware Strikes NetSarang Products

Another day, another malware. The latest victim’s name is NetSarang – a Korean software development company. It seems that the malware which has been named ShadowPad was successful in installing ‘what is known as backdoors’ in several of the products…

Nonocore RAT Malware

An Inside look on how to fight against malware

Once security breach is exposed, security experts in the industry need to know how the aggressors got into what should be a protected system, and what they’re really doing that is causing such issues for users. It’s a never ending…


Anti-Virus Solutions Don’t Provide Sufficient Security

In the present day world of zero-day attacks, an anti-virus solution alone is not enough to protect your enterprise systems. Not only have the number of cy ber threats increased but so has the complexity and modes of attacks. It…

Android Security

GhostCtrl Android Malware, Locks Device, Demands Ransom

GhostCtrl Android malware is a backdoor that can control the functionalities of an infected Android device. It is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that can also steal and exfiltrate information. It can reset the pin of an Android device, lock…