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antivirus software for iPhone

Why Apple iPhones Need Antivirus Software

The controversy continues. Though Apple iPhones run on the iOS (formerly iPhone OS) – which is undoubtedly an advanced, secure, and stable mobile operating system – it is not 100% secure. Cyber criminals have exploited vulnerabilities to infect Apple iPhones…

Internet Of Things

Antivirus Protection: Do PC Users Really Need Them?

The hacking community is gaining strength. They are no longer a bunch that does things to simply annoy PC users. They now have the power to bring the whole world to a standstill – WannaCry ransomware served as a perfect…


How to be safe from Ransomware

Ransomware has been successful in traumatizing the users by using encryption methods to extort money from the victim. We have to see how when the ransomware attacks the user and providers wake up to know about the vulnerabilities they have…

virus removal

Virus Removal in Windows PC

Virus Removal in Windows PC Beware if your Windows PC suddenly goes slower than usual and it takes some time to boot, and when you are browsing there is an unwanted pop-up and other strange issues. It could be a…

Android Security

How to Check if your Mobile Phone has Virus?

( Update: check the latest version of Comodo’s mobile security app) Much before virus evolved into something that can put us on ransom and hijack our activities, we knew about viruses that would be infecting our computers and we have…

antivirus software

Hackers putting clandestine techniques in Banking Malware

A Trojan named Ursnif is a new version that is being tested with modified codes, this is to make it more effective when it comes to attack the banking domain and software. A recent report in Zdnet by Danny Palmer…

virus protection for android

Beware Of BadRabbit Ransomware

Just when we thought 2017 has seen its share of ransomware attacks, yet another surfaced recently. Named BadRabbit, researchers have found out that it’s a rehash of NotPetya’s code. But thankfully has not been as effective as WannaCry or NotPetya.…

antivirus software

Malware Exploiting Toast Overlay Attack Discovered

Earlier this year, mobile security experts from Palo Alto Networks, found that Android devices could be subjected to ‘Android Toast Overlay Attack’, which is a vulnerability affecting the Toast feature on Android devices. The Android Toast feature allows display of…

Antivirus software

Myths Debunked about Antivirus Software

Antivirus software is interpreted to be a prerequisite to using a computer and be connected to the online world. Well, most of us would not even think to have a system without antivirus, because we think that viruses are going…


Do Mac System needs Antivirus Software

It’s just a misconception that only Windows OS requires antivirus protection. The last 10-years we have seen what happened to those who have been taking the digital security lightly. All these years the target was Windows OS and may feel…