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Why does Linux need antivirus in 2024?

There was a time when we all believed that online criminals do not target Linux users. Linux earned the name as a safe software that is unbreachable; users thought that Linux machines were malware resistant, but that is not true.…

antivirus for pc

Best Antivirus for PC 2024 [Updated list for Antivirus Windows PC]

Windows is the most popular operating system with the most number of users. It is user-friendly with numerous capabilities that have made it the number one operating system. The more users means more Windows PCs and hence threat actors preferably…


The Most Effective Firewall

We typically use a device such as a computer or smartphone to connect to the internet for sharing information, surfing, performing ecommerce and other sensitive activities. This involves both incoming and outgoing network traffic. To defend any unauthorized person to…

Virus Protection

The Best Antivirus for Windows in 2024

This article shows everything you wanted to know about the best antivirus available in the market. Why you need antivirus for windows? Unless you’ve security software installed, your PC or laptop is vulnerable to malware and ransomware. The latter is…

From Our Family to Yours, We Wish You a Happy New Year 2024

Ba dum tssssss! That’s the sound of 2015 ringing out, ushering the oncoming of 2016 as a year full of new hopes and big ideas that is sure to make a difference in our lives. 2015 was a great year…

what is cryptowall

Top Ransomware Attacks of 2024

2017 seems to be the year of the ransomware- the very sophisticated malware which encrypts all files and data on your computer and then demands a ransom in return for decrypting them. Well, ransomware attacks have been showing an increasing…

Online Safety

Thanksgiving Joy or Online Ploy? Don’t Fall for Dodgy Scams

At a time when the American society is revelling in the joy of Thanksgiving Day, there are not-so-thankful elements in the deep web who are trying to spoil the fun. Owing to the gift-giving tradition of the Thanksgiving festival supported…

antivirus software for iPhone

The Best Mac Antivirus Protection for 2024

We have seen how most of the virus is Windows-centric, and that malicious program intended for Windows cannot harm a Mac. It’s true to an extent but now the trend has changed. The cyber criminals are smart and it’s like…

Methods to Keep You Safe This Christmas 2024 from Viruses and Threats While Shopping Online

It is that time of the year when we have to remind PC users about their online security. Christmas brings with it a lot of events like getting together with family, buying gifts for them, deciding what goes into the…

Anti Spyware

Best Free Spyware Removal Software of 2024

Spyware is a type of malicious software that secretly monitors and collects user information from PCs without their knowledge. It can gather valuable information such as user passwords, credit card details, and other confidential information by secretly recording user’s keystrokes…