A computer virus is a malicious software program or piece of code created by a hacker to upload onto a user’s computer without their knowledge for performing malicious actions. Computer viruses are harmful and designed to spread from host to host.
What is a Computer Virus?
If you own a computer you undoubtedly heard a lot about computer viruses. There are a lot of misconceptions about them. In order to avoid the problems that viruses can cause it is vital to know a little bit about them.
So, what is a computer virus – simply put, a computer virus is a malicious code that can copy itself and infect a computer without the approval or knowledge of a user. A computer Virus has two major characteristics, the ability to replicate itself and the ability to attach itself to another computer file. However, how will the user know, if their computer had been infected by a computer virus?
Symptoms of Virus Infected Computer
There are many different symptoms of a virus infected computer. A few tell-tale signs that your computer may have a virus include:
- Slow response times
- Random hard drive crashes
- Extensive pop-up ads
- Unexplained data loss
What does Computer Virus do?
A computer virus is capable of deleting your valuable data, damaging programs, or reformatting your hard drive. It replicates, hinders system performance, causes frequent hard drive crashes and weakens computer memory.
How to Stay Protected from a Computer Virus?
- Be sure to download programs only from reputable websites.
- Install a quality firewall program
- Do not open suspicious emails or attachments
Most importantly make sure you have an effective antivirus program installed on your computer. If you are sensible and readily follow the above-stated guidelines to navigate on the internet, you can steer clear from all the online trouble.
Comodo Virus Removal
When the computer is infected by a virus, the first thing to do is detect the infection effectively and, run a scan with your antivirus software. Comodo Antivirus provides the best cover for your computer against virus, spyware, and malware attacks. The Defense+ technology, containment techniques and sandboxing are some of its innovative features which provide lead amongst its counterparts.
Comodo Antivirus
The Comodo antivirus offers the best in class solution available in the market.
How to Install Comodo Antivirus?
- For easy understanding lets go through step by step explanation:
- Download Comodo Antivirus on your computer
- Save the cav-installer on your PC
- Double click the cav-installer on your downloads window
- Give permission to install
- After all the installation is complete, select the preferred language and click okay
- Once the installation is complete, reboot your machine
- After successful rebooting of your computer – choose the type of internet connection that you use
How to Remove Virus Using Comodo Antivirus?
Comodo offers complete virus protection for computer, follow the below steps to remove the virus from your computer.
- Double click on the Comodo antivirus icon of your desktop
- Run the scan to detect virus, spyware, and malware
- Threats are prompted on the alert screen
- Comodo antivirus will remove all the viruses from your computer instantaneously
How to Avoid Virus Attacks?
Make sure you have the best virus protection software installed on your computer. Keep it up-to-date and update your operating system as well, whenever it is necessary. Avoid suspicious websites and emails, and also increase your browser security settings. Always download stuff from websites that you trust and immediately delete emails that you think to be spam.
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