From Our Family to Yours, We Wish You a Happy New Year 2024

June 20, 2024 | By admin
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Ba dum tssssss!

That’s the sound of 2015 ringing out, ushering the oncoming of 2016 as a year full of new hopes and big ideas that is sure to make a difference in our lives.

Happy New Year 2016

2015 was a great year for technological disruptions and a great learning experience for all of us here at Comodo. We outdid Symantec to take over the #1 spot of best-selling SSL Certificate authority in the world, and the Comodo Internet Security Suite well known for virus protection has aced the Matousec Proactive Security Challenge – like previous year.

As always, we hope to maintain our winning streak steady and offer the best security solutions to our user community.

As we stand on the threshold of bidding farewell to 2015, the Comodo family likes to wish a very happy and prosperous Happy New Year 2016!

Let the confetti burst and celebrations begin.

Internet security

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