A Trojan horse is a particular type of malware that is mostly disguised as authorized software. Trojans can be used by hackers and cyber-thieves trying to gain access to a user’s system. This takes place by tricking users with some form of social engineering into loading and then executing Trojans on their systems. After the activation, the Trojan virus will be able to allow cyber-criminals to spy on you, steal sensitive data, and obtain backdoor access to your system. Malware removal is thus becoming a growing necessity for an efficient virus remover. Here, we will look into the types of Trojans, how to recognize and detect Trojans and finally how to obtain virus protection for your systems.
Types of Trojan Viruses
- Rootkit Trojans
- Banker Trojans
- Downloader Trojans
- Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Trojans
- Backdoor Trojans
- Exploit Trojans
Rootkit Trojans -These Trojans aim at preventing the discovery of malware that is already infecting a system allowing it to cause maximum damage.
Banker Trojans -This Trojan virus particularly targets personal information used for banking and several other online transactions.
Downloader Trojans -These are files written to download extra malware, frequently including more Trojans, onto a device.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Trojans – These Trojans have been programmed to perform DDoS attacks, where a machine or network is disabled by a flood of requests arising from a number of different sources.
Backdoor Trojans – This type of Trojan virus allows hackers to remotely access and control a computer, mostly for downloading, uploading, or executing files at will.
Exploit Trojans -These Trojans inject a machine with code that has been intentionally designed to take advantage of a weakness inherent to a particular piece of software.
Recognizing and Detecting a Trojan Virus
Trojans have been employed as a delivery device for a variety of malware. If you suspect your device may have been breached by a Trojan, you should then look out for the following signs:
Pop-up and spam interruptions: Are you noticing an uptick in the number of interruptions from email spam or browser pop-ups?
Strange device behavior: Do you find programs running that were not initiated by you or are other unexplained processes being executed on your device?
Poor device performance: Is your computer crashing more frequently than normal or running slowly?
If you find these symptoms in your computer, it is possible that a Trojan virus has managed to sneak its payload onto your computer. To initiate a malware removal process, try searching your computer for any applications or programs you don’t remember installing all be yourself. Enter any unrecognized programs or file names into a search engine in order to determine if they are recognized Trojans. Finally, install an antivirus software and perform a virus scan for your computer to see if it has uncovered a malicious file.
How to Protect Your Computer from Trojan Horse Threats
Virus protection software has been designed to prevent worms, viruses, and Trojan horses from getting onto a computer and also for removing any malicious software code that has already infected a computer. Most malware removal and virus protection utilities are now available with anti-malware and anti-spyware capabilities.
In order to protect against most common cybersecurity threats, the very first method is to obtain an effective cybersecurity software for virus protection. An effective internet security solution should be able to run fast, frequent scans and alert you immediately after a Trojan virus is detected. Besides installing cybersecurity software, there are a few best methods that you can use for effective virus protection:
- Update all software on your computer with the most recent patches
- Ensure that a Trojan antivirus is installed and running on your computer
- Never install or download software from a source you don’t trust completely
- Never open an attachment or run a program sent to you via an email from an unknown person.
Related Resources:
Best Virus Removal