The best virus scan is a process of using virus protection software to scan and identify viruses and malware in a computing device.
It is an information security process that aims to review and identify harmful viruses and programs. It is the core feature of the best virus protection software.
Virus scanning depends entirely on the strength of a virus protection engine that uses a repository of descriptions of known viruses, malware, and other malicious content. Comodo virus scanner has a powerful feature to detect the viruses and malware from your pc. Its features of Auto Sandbox technology and a highly advanced host intrusion prevention system (HIPS) make Comodo the best internet security in the industry.

The virus and malware protection scanner primarily look for a match between viruses from its virus database with the scanned data or files. When virus identifies, then the virus is sent to the best virus scan admin panel for the automatic or user-approved deletion or removal.
Devices on which malware can be scanned for include:
- Computer
- Laptop
- Server
- Flash Drives
- External Storage
- Cloud Infrastructure
While removing the virus from your computer, you will never want to lose your data so you should remove the virus only with the help of a virus protection software. You should first get an antivirus to scan your computer. You can download an antivirus and then scan your gadgets for any viruses or you can also scan your system online.
Here, some tips of running a virus scan
- Begin by backing up your computer files. It’s good practice to run a frequently scheduled backup so that if your computer may be infected in any day by the destructive virus, then you may have your data to restore in your computer. You should always remember to take a backup of your files in any safe drive before running an antivirus scan on your pc.
- If you are comparing antivirus options, you can start by downloading free antivirus trial software. A free trial can give you sufficient time to become familiar with the antivirus tools and level of protection offered by the software.
- Before installation, execute a critical scan of full system components. If a problem is found, then follow all steps to completely remove the problem before attempting to complete the installation of any antivirus software. If the computer is already infected from the virus then many antivirus products won’t be able to be installed or updated until the malware is removed completely. The best virus programs scan critical-system components at the time of the initial download of any software and remove any malware before installing the software.
- Be prepared to close the Internet connectivity if you’ve got been compromised. this can prevent any malware on your computer from communicating to a distant system that would further disrupt your computer.
- Once you have an uncompromised, modern system, completely install your chosen antivirus software. Verify that every security updates are downloaded, and execute a full virus scan. This will scan hard drives, files, system memory, email and many more for viruses.
- Before restoring any data from backup, scan them first by executing the best virus scan software.
- Always remember to manage your settings. Don’t stop at a single full scan of your computer, set the future regular automatic virus scans. It’s more important to maintain a schedule of routine scans to ensure your computer is always protected.
- Periodically, review full scan reports. It’s very easy to skip reading the results of a scan, but reading the reports are a good source to know about vulnerability and viruses.
Antivirus software keeps your computer protected from viruses and malware and maintains the security of your system and prevents you from unknowingly infecting other systems. A good antivirus solution is a small price to pay for the safety that what you’ve invested in your computer. Comodo offers you the best protection for your all type of device. It provides the best feature to keep us safe from all the unauthorized threats and has some great highlighted feature which you cannot find in any virus scanner.