How to Avoid Phishing Scams? | Download Free Antivirus Software

November 15, 2019 | By admin
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Phishing refers to the fraudulent use of electronic communications to make a person believe that they are having a legitimate and secure web session. Usually, phishing messages include links to malicious websites which appears to be safe and authentic. However, these phishing sites are designed to download and install malware into your system or acquire personal information like credit card numbers, personal identification numbers (PINs), social security numbers, banking numbers, and passwords. This sensitive data is often used to steal money or do other illegal activities. Phishing scams are best avoided when you download free antivirus software for your PC.

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What are the Examples of Phishing Methods?

Beware of the following methods used by cybercriminals to avoid being a victim of online scams:

> Links are being manipulated. You may receive an email that contains a link featuring subtle misspellings or use of a subdomain that spoofs legitimate URLs.

> Website forgery. Cybercriminals may use JavaScript commands to make a website look real.

> Covert redirection. Attackers can put malicious pop-up ads on legitimate websites to redirect users to a phishing site.

> Infected attachments. Downloading malware-infected files such as .exe files, Microsoft Office files, and PDF documents can wreak havoc to your computer.

> Others. Phishing scams may also use phone calls, text messages, and social media tools to trick victims into providing sensitive information.

Preventing Phishing Attacks

To reduce your risks of being duped by phishing attacks, here are some tips to follow:

Be careful of the links you click

First of all, make sure to browse only on trusted sites. Clicking random links from suspicious emails or websites may open doors for attackers so it’s best to stay on the safe side. Before doing anything on the site, inspect if it is the authentic one as some may really disguise well. Make sure the site’s URL begins with “https” and it has a padlock icon seen on the address bar. Verify also if the website has a security certificate.

Also, if you receive an email that asks you to complete a form but the email does not contain your name, be alert. Never input personal information if you are in doubt of the credibility of the message or the website.

Install an Anti-Phishing Toolbar

You can now add anti-phishing toolbar on most browsers. These toolbars can check the websites you visit and compare them to a list of known malicious sites. Once you come across a malicious site, the toolbar will notify you about it. This is another great layer of defense aside from antivirus software, and the best thing about is it is free.

Check Your Online Accounts Regularly

Open your online bank accounts from time to time to see if there’s any unauthorized charge on your credit or debit card. You must also change your password regularly to prevent hackers from making any fraudulent transactions.

Update Your Software

Software updates are released all the time. These patches are beneficial in fixing loopholes that phishers and other hackers inevitably discover and exploit. If you receive any messages about software patches, make sure to download and install them right away.

Enable Your Firewalls

Firewalls can separate your computer system from outside intruders. For more protection, you can deploy two kinds of firewall: a desktop firewall and a network firewall. The former is a type of software while the latter is a type of hardware. Both of which can significantly reduce the odds of hackers and phishers infiltrating your computer or your network. When you download free antivirus software like Comodo Internet Security, you can take advantage of its memory firewall feature that can block malicious activities.

Use Antivirus Software

Lastly, make it your priority to download free antivirus software. Using a security tool on your computer can guard you against technology issues and loopholes. With special signatures and new definitions included in the antivirus software, it can easily detect and deter most threats.

When looking for the best free antivirus, you can never go wrong with Comodo Internet Security. It is a robust antivirus program that scans computer thoroughly and quickly to prevent cyber-attacks like malwares, spywares, and phishing attempts. It is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux.

It features an auto-sandbox technology that is perfectly designed to run unknown files in an isolated environment, preventing permanent damage to the system. In addition, it offers maximum protection through its anti-rootkit tool and Secure Shopping features. Safeguard your computer network and block cybercriminals from accessing your system by using Comodo!

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