Google Android Lollipop Introduces Smartphone Kill Switch

November 11, 2014 | By admin
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Google Android LollipopSmartphones are high in demand compared to PCs and Laptops, which gives a vast opportunity for the hackers to steal personal information, like contacts, images, business information and much more. Compromising smartphones are a huge target to hackers.

Hackers are into the following fraudulent activity while performing a smartphone hunt:

  • Smiphishing: This is sending phishing messages through SMS and attempting to get any kind of information from the user.
  • Bluetooth: Hackers establish a connection with the victim’s phone even when the Bluetooth is not in use but switched on.
  • Snoopware: Hackers make their way to connect to the smartphone through the snoopware that has been programmed to eavesdrop on any communications by the victims.
  • Spam: This works in the same way on smartphones as how it infects a PC via emails. Spams are sent to attack smartphone emails and establish an illegal connection.

Google has unveiled its new Android version called the Android 5.0 Lollipop, with important security enhancements,  such as a so called “Kill Switch” that will address harmful attacks.

The Kill Switch feature on this new version of Android phone works against the hackers but not on a complete pace. This new feature takes the role that is similar to “factory reset protection”. It requires a Google ID and password on a demand to reset the phone, and functions only the respective ID and password is entered.

The incorporation of Kill Switch on Android phones makes the user safer from attacks. When the phone is stolen it can be used to wipe out all the information of the user, becoming useless for the criminal.

The deterrence value to theft is limited because having the Kill Switch active is not the default, the user must “opt in”. Use of the Kill Switch must become universal before hackers will be deterred from swiping phones. Integrating other virus scanning and virus removal techniques alongside Kill Switch would make the web security system even more sturdy   and hence protect the system from hacking attempts.

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