Importance of AV Security Today

March 1, 2017 | By admin
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The enterprise network today is much different from what it earlier was. Employees today use all kinds of devices to connect to the enterprise network and also to do work. They also use the social media to share things and to communicate, with colleagues in office and also with friends outside the network. Well, this causes security risks to the enterprise network…Smart devices connected to the network and outside visitors to the network could pose serious threats.

importance of av security

The Audio Visual (AV) technology used in an office too is now undergoing changes. It’s now easy to buy consumer AV devices or services and thus we are now in the world of BYOAV (Bring Your Own AV). This helps a lot, especially in cutting costs and in connecting and is also easy to connect since there is ready network and it can all be connected wirelessly as well. But again, there are security issues, mostly invisible ones.

Connections to AV equipment are often very lax. There are many older systems that still work on VGA connectors and cables, but today’s AV installations are mostly wireless. They do have their share of security issues, most of which are overlooked, and that too at a time when we go looking for the best antivirus security program in a bid to secure our working environment.

The AV equipment today is sophisticated and poses threats to the network in an enterprise- both the fixed network and the wireless one as well. Thus it is important that AV security is also made part of an enterprise’s IT management function and is seen as part of overall security.

The IT department of an enterprise should understand that snooping using visual means and also snooping using unprotected wireless network pose security threats when using AV (audio visual) equipment. Similarly, threats arise when employees (or third parties) authenticate to access or use AV systems. The IT guys should also look into issues that could be caused by dial-in codes, logins, guest access etc. There needs to be proper coordination between the IT department and those involved in AV. At a time when the audio visual industry has undergone revolutionary changes and when display technology is so affordable that display screens now appear almost anywhere inside an enterprise, the security aspect has to be given serious consideration.

Above all, the IT security managers are also obliged to give website security training to employees and detail them about best security practices, including for AV systems as well. The employees need to be made to understand that security doesn’t mean just having a antivirus or any antivirus security program. Yes, it’s high time we took AV security seriously.

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