Free Online Virus Protection

June 8, 2020 | By admin
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Here are why you need free online virus protection

Free Online Virus Protection

Given how workforces across the globe are compelled to adjust to work-from-home arrangements, even more, today, it isn’t surprising how more hackers are upping illegal online activities. People’s identities are being compromised and users’ bank accounts are being penetrated. While the digital space has proven to be effective and helpful on so many levels, it also continues to be a hotspot for sophisticated and innovative crimes. That being the case, turning to free online virus protection should be the best solution to those who still don’t have a budget for premium cybersecurity.

If you’re not quite sure if a paid-for online virus scanner is for you, here are the top reasons you should get one.

Blocks malware

A quick survey on how viruses gain entry to computers is through spam websites and pop-up ads. If you’ve ever tried clicking a link that initiated an influx of other opened tabs, there’s a high chance a virus was already trying to make its way to your system— if it isn’t secret installed on your computer just yet.

These kinds of viruses come from malware that quietly tries to replicate themselves in your system. When you have free online virus protection, at least, you protect yourself and your computer from spyware, adware, and other digital attacks.

Keeps data thieves away

Hackers make a substantial amount of money from accessing users’ personal files, online bank accounts, and other sensitive information. Depending on what you have on your computer, data thieves may either blackmail you into keeping your private documents to yourself or access your bank account and steal however much they deem.

They’re usually able to do this by discreetly installing virus programs or malware without your knowledge. As mentioned prior, there are various ways to put up malware into your system, but email spams and shortened links are the most popular methods.

Free online virus protection can work to your advantage, but if you’re looking for overall online and computer security, you’re going need to look at paid-for online virus scanners; free antivirus programs, while helpful, can only do so much.

Optimizes your computer

One of the leading perks of signing up with a cybersecurity brand you can trust is seeing a noticeable difference in the performance speed of your laptop or PC. Plenty of people say that antivirus applications weigh their computers down. But the truth is, if you get an online virus scanner subscription that’s specifically designed for your computer model and operating system, then it’s supposed to supercharge your computer—not the opposite. If your free antivirus or cybersecurity package is unable to meet that requirement, then you may want to re-think your antivirus program of choice.

Free online virus protection programs can help speed up your computer, too, but this all depends on the features of your free antivirus brand of choice.

Needless to say, computers without viruses perform much, much faster than computers that are virus-infected. This is because viruses leech on tons of applications and warrant being run. When that happens, your computer demands more energy. What’s worse, many viruses are designed to naturally break your hard drive, as well. The more your computer’s internal parts are compromised, the slower your computer will function.

Limit your website access

If you’re a parent or an employer yourself, you know for a fact that there are websites that aren’t safe for kids or for the workplace. Free online virus protection applications may not have that much control over this aspect, but premium cybersecurity subscriptions should be able to help you when it comes to limiting which websites you allow the people who use computers you own.

Whether you run a household or a startup, being able to restrict many dangerous websites is a huge help in keeping your digital data and computer status safe and optimized.

Saves more money

One of the biggest reasons many people shy away from antivirus programs is because they think it’s expensive. True enough, there are plenty of pricey cybersecurity programs in the market. This is also why free online virus protection programs are a staple move for those who are cash-strapped. But in reality, these antivirus programs actually help you save more money in the long run.

When your computer is kept away from cybercrime, you’re able to secure, not just your finances and personal documents, but also your computer. Warranties can only last for so long and having your system fixed by an expert can be even more expensive.

If you’re looking for award-winning antivirus protection that’s affordable and easy to use, try Comodo Cybersecurity today!

Free Virus and Malware Protection

comodo antivirus

Related Resources:

Website Malware Scanner

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