How to Effectively Remove Virus from Laptop or PC

January 20, 2018 | By admin
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Despite being careful and cautious and despite having an antivirus for PC installed, you could still end up being infected. Viruses get into our systems regularly; the internet is so full of viruses of all kinds that getting infected is one of the commonest things to happen to anyone who surfs the web regularly.

Remove Virus from laptop PC

Here’s a quick guide for best virus removal for anyone using a PC or laptop; follow the steps carefully and you’d find yourself clean of the virus that’s giving you trouble:

Disconnect from the net, enter Safe Mode
Disconnect your system from the internet. Keep it in mind that you are not to use it till you are all set to clean it.

Boot your system into Safe Mode; this ensures that only the minimum required programs, applications are loaded and also ensures that the malware doesn’t load if it’s set to load automatically when you boot again.

If your system runs fast on Safe Mode, it suggests that either the system is infected or that it has many programs installed on it.

Get rid of all temporary files
After entering the Safe Mode, the first thing to be done is to get rid of all temporary files in the system. This helps free up disk space and sometimes it also helps get rid of some malware.

Download a new malware scanner
Your system would most probably be having an antivirus. Still, it’s best to download a new malware scanner. This is advisable because if your PC/laptop is infected, it’s evident that the virus has bypassed your existing antivirus. The best option would be to go fora comprehensive one like Comodo malware scanner.

Update scanner, disconnect and run a scan
Once you’ve downloaded the Comodo malware scanner, install it on your system. Then update the malware scanner and once again disconnect the system from the internet. After this, you need to run a scan by clicking on the Start Scan button.

Once the scan is completed, check the results; if you find any threats, get them deleted using Comodo malware scanner. Comodo’s malware scans are perfect and won’t let any kinds of malware get through.

Fix your browser(s)
If there’s any virus infection, it could have damaged system files and other settings. It would also have modified your browser’s homepage seeking to re-infect your PC/laptop that way. So, before launching your browser(s), check homepage and connection settings and fix issues, if any.

Keep your laptop/PC clean, follow safe browsing practices
It’s advisable to always keep your laptop/PC clean. You must have a good antivirus software, one like Comodo. Make sure that you always keep it updated, for best results.

Follow safe browsing practices, be wary of phishing emails and suspicious links that come seeking you. Download applications only from trusted sources and use genuine, trusted software. Make it a point to update all software on a regular basis. Schedule antivirus scans to run at regular intervals.

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