How to Remove Virus from Computer

September 27, 2019 | By admin
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Malware and virus attacks are increasing day by day, and the very moment we get to know that someone of our own is struggling to work on their PC because the PC is infected with a virus, the first thing that we do is Google search for virus removal ways. It is indeed a topic to worry, however, panicking and not doing anything about the virus removal will not solve the issue as well. Take decisive action, stay calm, and first, be sure whether your computer is infected by a virus attack or not.

Computer Virus

So, let’s find out whether your computer needs a virus removal or not. There are a few virus signs that your computer will start showing. Here they are

  • Has the performance of your computer dropped suddenly? Is it running slowly or is your system taking a lot of time to display the icons?
  • Do you see unwanted pop-up messages appearing on your browser?
  • Are you getting redirected to unknown sites automatically? Sites which you have never visited?
  • Can you see apps, software and programs in your computer, which you have not installed?
  • You have installed AdBlocker, but you can’t block the pop-up messages
  • You hear weird noises coming out of your hard drive.

If you do see any of the signs that we have mentioned above, then probably yes, your computer is in fact, infected with viruses and malware. Which means you have to get an answer for how to remove a virus from the computer.

The best way to keep your computer protected from all kinds of viruses, malware, and spyware is to have a robust antivirus installed on your computer. You can choose Comodo as your antivirus partner for optimum protection.

Readers may note that there are two kinds of virus attack. One, which starts showing its symptoms right away, and the second one, which sits ideal and gets triggered when you are least expecting it. Some virus will only download unwanted software and show you pop-ups. However, the other dangerous kind will start duplicating itself from one file to another and even delete some of the necessary data from your computer, and the worst kind is where your internet banking account gets hacked!

comodo antivirus

Here’s what you need to do

Step 1: Choose Safe Mode

Switch on your computer and press f8. You will see the Advanced Boot Option on the screen. The menu will give you the option to select Safe Mode. Select that. This is the first thing that you need to do to start with the virus removal process. Please note that you should not use the internet while trying to remove viruses.

Step 2: Get rid of temp file, you don’t need them

Your computer has a lot of unnecessary files and viruses may be sitting ideal there or duplicating itself. Choose disc clean up to get rid of the junk files from your computer.

Step 3: Scan your computer using Comodo

While you are in the Safe Mode, launch Comodo Antivirus scanner and start scanning your computer thoroughly. It will take some time for the Comodo Antivirus software to complete scanning until then don’t use the internet, and neither uses any other program. Just let the software complete the scanning process.
Once the scanning process is done, you will see all the infected files and Comodo will ask for your permission to remove them. Allow Comodo to delete those files. Once done, switch off the computer.

For better security, we recommend you to switch on your computer and run the scanner once again to be sure that everything is alright. In case, the scanner couldn’t remove everything while being in the Safe Mode; the next scanning process will undoubtedly identify the new viruses. However, this shouldn’t happen. Comodo is a reliable antivirus software, and it will be able to identify all the viruses at one go. Still, two times the scanning process won’t do any harm.

Never click on unnecessary pop-ups and avoid spammy emails too. Viruses can infect your computer through suspicious links as well. Therefore, be careful about them. Make sure that you update your Windows and antivirus from time to time to better security.

comodo antivirus
Related Resource:

Can I Run Antivirus Software in Safe Mode?

How to Get Rid of Virus?

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