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what is adware

Adware Definition: What Is It and How to Remove?

Adware is a software application that shows unsolicited advertisements while a program is running in a computer. In most cases, the adware comes implanted inside a free software supported by advertisements. These ads start to show up in pop-up windows…

Cerber Ransomware Removal

What is Cerber Ransomware and How to Remove It?

What is Cerber Ransomware? Cerber ransomware is a type of malware that is considered to be the most active one and it executes its attack by infecting a user’s files. In return for the files, the victim is asked to…

What is Email Virus

What is Email Virus and How to Avoid Them?

Email Virus In general, a computer virus or worm is a self-replicating program capable of being spread by emails or by inserting copies of itself into other documents or programs. Viruses that spread via email are capable of knocking out…

what is fork bomb

What is a Fork Bomb Virus Attack?

A fork bomb is also called a wabbit or rabbit virus that was crafted by malicious hackers to launch a denial-of-service attack on the target system. The fork bomb virus replicates itself and corrupts the available system resources. It slows…

What is Shamoon Virus

What is Shamoon Virus?

Shanmoon was discovered by Seculert, Symantec, and Kaspersky Lab on 16 August 2012 that targets 32-bit NT kernel versions of Microsoft Windows. It is a modular virus and is also known as W32.DisTrack. This virus was crafted for cyber-warfare as…

what is cryptowall

What is CryptoWall?

CryptoWall belongs to the ransomware family that uses advanced techniques to infiltrate computers and hides from its victims. Simply put, the Cryptowall is a Trojan horse that encrypts files on the jeopardized computer and then proceeds to threaten the user…

Zero Day Attacks

What is zero-day exploit

A zero-day exploit is a software flaw or a vulnerability. Hackers use this as an exploit to attack the user’s system even before the software vendor identifies it and a security patch fix is available. These zero-day exploits can go…

what is petya ransomware

Petya Ransomware Attack: What is it and How can it be stopped?

The latest ransomware in the cyberspace called “Petya” is infecting computers around the world at an incredible speed. It uses a vulnerability in the Windows OS that Microsoft patched in March 2017 — notably, it is the same virus that…

NotPetya Ransomware

What is NotPetya?

NotPetya virus outwardly resembles the Petya ransomware in many ways, however, the fact is that it’s different and a lot more dangerous than Petya. When Petya affected numerous systems even the best antivirus and virus removal programs failed to deduct…

What is Logic Bomb

What is a Logic Bomb?

The term logic bomb refers to the malware also called slag code which gets activated by a response to an event. For instance, launching an application or when a specific date/time is reached – it triggers the logic bomb malware…