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What is Backdoor Virus?

A backdoor is a malicious computer program used to provide the attacker with unauthorized remote access to a compromised PC by exploiting security vulnerabilities. This backdoor virus works in the background and hides from the user. It is quite difficult…


What is Code Red Worm?

Code red is a computer worm that was identified in July 2001, when computers running on Internet Information Services (IIS) web server of Microsoft were found compromised. The after effect of the attack caused a damage of billions of dollars…

What is polymorphic virus

What is Polymorphic Virus and how do you deal with it?

  Computer Virus Similar to the virus which affects the human body, a computer virus is a malicious program that affects the computer to choke or bring down the normal functioning. Usually, a computer virus self-replicates by copying itself to…

locky ransomware

What is Locky Ransomware?

Locky is one kind of latest ransomware. It was first released in 2016. The IT security geeks had discovered that the malware authors send ransomware infected emails demanding for payment through an invoice in the form of malicious Microsoft Word…

what is wannacry

What is WannaCry Ransomware?

The wannacry ransomware is composed of various components Files with encryption keys Application to encrypt data Application to decrypt data A copy of Tor Browser Unlike other ransomware, wannacry has taken the internet world by storm as it created a…

Zeus Trojan Virus

What is Zeus Malware?

The Zeus malware, also known as the ZeuS or Zbot, is a Trojan Horse used to steal confidential information from the victims’ computers. The primary ways by which Zeus malware infects a computer are through phishing attacks and drive-by downloads.…

what is conficker

What is Conficker Worm?

Conficker is a computer worm developed by malware authors to infect Windows computers with the vulnerability (MS08-067) and spread the infection to other such vulnerable Windows computers connected to the network without any human intervention. It is also called Downadup.…

What is Koobface?

Koobface is a type of computer worm that infects unwary users through social media platforms like Facebook. It infects computers of unwary users in an attempt to gather sensitive information such as credit card numbers. The Koobface worm can connect…

What is Boot Sector Virus?

What are boot sector viruses and how can I prevent them?

Computer Virus Even before we try to understand what a boot sector virus is, let us understand what is a computer virus. In the online world, the term computer virus refers to a malicious program that auto-multiplies by copying itself…

botnet attacks

What is a Bot?

Bots are Internet robots also known as crawlers, spiders, and web bots. They are automated programs developed for performing repetitive tasks. With the computing power available to programmers, bots have been developed to execute tasks at extremely high speeds, unbelievable…