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What is What is Pharming

What is Pharming?

The word Pharming is coined from the words “phishing” and “farming”. It refers to the cybercrime activities such as phishing, where a website’s traffic is hacked in order to steal the sensitive data. Basically, Pharming utilizes the sequence of letters…

Computer Worm

What is the Morris Worm?

The Morris worm was released on November 2nd, 1988 by Robert Tappan Morris. It was the first of computer worms to be distributed on the internet that would not work as planned. Origins As mentioned above, the worm virus was…

What is Crimeware? How to Protect Yourself from Crimeware?

Crimeware is a set of programs or any computer program that has been designed to facilitate illegal activity online. Many spyware programs, keyloggers, and browser hijackers can be considered crimeware, although only those used illicitly. The phishing kit is one…

browser hijacker

What is Browser Hijacking?

Browser hijacking is a kind of unwanted program that changes a browser’s settings without a user’s approval, to inject unwanted promotion into the user’s browser. A browser hijacker may substitute the actual home page, 404 pages, or search page with…

Free Virus Checker

Why an Effective Virus Checker is Essential

With the influence of sophisticated technology high and low, hackers and otith the new security pather bad guys from the virtual underworld find ways to infect users’ computers. Most of us are not much concerned about performing an antivirus scan…

what is macro virus?

What is Macro Virus?

A virus that adds its code to the macros associated with spreadsheets, documents, and other data files in a system is called as a macro virus. Any computer infected by macro virus needs an antivirus program to remove it from…

trojan horse virus

What is Trojan Virus? How they work and methods to be protected?

Trojans or Trojan Horses is often mimicked as genuine software by malware authors to gain access to the target victim’s system. Most often the users are tricked by means of social engineering that loads and executes the trojans in the…

Linux Antivirus

The Need of Linux Antivirus

In the IT world, it is generally assumed that Linux is more secure compared to other operating systems. In the recent times, it is noticed that the targeted attacks on Linux based machines are on the rise. No wonder, the…

What is Identity Theft?

Know How To Prevent Identity Theft

Today the increasing number of cyber attacks are targeted on individuals and small size businesses. The attacks are aimed at robbing an individual’s identity which is referred to as the identity theft. Thus, a stolen information, such as driving license…

Android Virus

How Do I Know If My Android Phone/Device Has Virus?

Cybercrime is at an all-time high. Criminals are not only targeting home users; they are also preying on businesses jeopardizing their websites and acquiring sensitive clientele information. How to know if your Android phone/device has a virus? Are you a…