Antivirus software that is also known as anti-malware is a program that can be installed in your computer to detect and block malware. Antivirus can be purchased online or downloaded online for free. There are virus remover free applications that can keep malicious viruses at bay. You just have to search for the best antivirus program that suite your operating system. A general antivirus might not work for your android mobile phone, Linux or Mac operating system. You must know your operating system and download an antivirus program that works properly for your system to avoid inconvenience and disappointments.
Your way to free virus remover
You must choose an antivirus that is suitable for your operating system. You must check their features and install an antivirus program that works effectively in performing the traditional functions of detecting, preventing and removing malware. Below are the tips for choosing an antivirus program:
1. Choose a software with a high malware detection rate – Best antivirus must be able to detect multiple viruses at go. If the detection rate is higher it means your PC is highly protected from various malware. You can research and read from trusted sources for detailed reviews on antivirus to choose a better antivirus program with a high detective rate.
2. Take a light system load – some antivirus software affects the performance of your computer. They may slow down your computer when scanning for malware or when the antivirus is operating in the background.
3. Choose software that is easy to use – Some antivirus programs want the user to be active in selecting some technical features. This might confuse the user. Windows Defender works perfectly in the background.
4. Look for additional features such as email and web protection – free antivirus programs come with general features for detecting and preventing traditional malware. However, some have additional features for the latest viruses. You can look out for features such as email and web protection. We use web and email daily; therefore we must be protected from the virus that affects web browsing.
5. Real-time protection – prioritize real-time protection. Antivirus must be capable of detecting and defending your computer effectively and fast. Antivirus must function on its own without asking user permission to execute tasks.

Examples of effective free virus remover programs
Different gadgets ranging from your mobile phone to your desktop need protection from viruses. These gadgets have different operating systems hence they also use different antivirus programs. An antivirus specifically made for android phones cannot be used for a computer. Therefore avoid wasting your energy downloading wrong antivirus programs. However, some antivirus offers different software for different operating systems but you must be careful. Do not download android software for a computer. Below are the examples of antiviruses for different operating systems.
AVG Antivirus Free, Bitdefender, Avira Antivirus Security
Mobishield, Norton, Lookout Mobile Security
Panda Free Antivirus, Comodo Antivirus, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Avast Core Security, Comodo, Sophos
Comodo Antivirus, Avast Free Antivirus, Avira Free Antivirus
Advantages of Free Virus Remover Programs
• Protect your stored data in a computer
• Protect your confidential information from hackers
• Protect your emails and browsing activities from spams
• Extend computer life
• Prevent your computer operating system from malicious viruses
• They are easy to use and cost-effective
You must choose an antivirus virus program that is suitable for your operating system. There are free antivirus programs for all the different operating systems. Choose wisely and install a quality antivirus. Always look out for the new updates of your antivirus program and stay up to date to be protected from the latest threats. You can run more than one antivirus in your gadget but it’s not advisable as it might slow down your computer.