How to find virus on PC?

September 26, 2019 | By admin
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Viruses are available in different forms nowadays, and they are malicious software, which are also known as malware. They can steal your personal information from your computer, hack your internet banking account, social media accounts, destroy files, and even install a software in your computer without your knowledge. So, how to find virus on PC and what can be done for virus removalIf you would like to know about the top signs of virus attack, then this article is for you. We are going to tell you about how to find virus on PC. 

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  1. Unwanted pop-ups 

You open a browser to check a website, but you see some unexpected ads instead. If you do, then this could be a sign of a virus. They are not only annoying but if you end up clicking on them, they can create havoc.

It is highly recommended to never click on any pop-ups that you see on your browser. Especially, if you see the pop-up telling you that it has detected viruses and you should click on a link right away to get rid of it. Stay aware of them and instead use a pop-up blocker software to make sure that you never see such ads.


  1. Your computer is performing very slow 

If you notice a sudden drop in your computer’s performance, for instance, it is taking a lot of time to start, or you are facing trouble running a program on your computer, then yes, your computer might be infected with viruses.

Also, do check RAM as well, because the sluggish performance of your computer could happen due to lack of RAM.

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  1. The hard drive is acting abnormally 

Is the hard drive of your computer making a lot of noises? Does it spin continuously? You are not using any of the computer’s program, but still, the hard drive seems to be active and running continuously, then this is yet again a sign of a virus.


  1. The computer is showing a lack of storage space 

If your computer is giving you constant warning that there is no storage space left, even if you know that you have not used much of its space, then virus must be duplicating itself, so that the computer becomes unusable.

In such a case, we will recommend you to go for Comodo PC Antivirus software. Run a scan and be sure if there are any viruses on your computer. You need to get rid of this harmful virus right away.


  1. You are missing files 

Some infections can affect data on your computer system as well. These viruses infect and start deleting files one by one. If you see missing files and can’t find them anywhere, and if you are sure that you have not removed them, then 90% it is a virus deleting files.


  1. Continuous error messages 

You try to open one of the programs on your computer to operate it. But it is constantly crashing, and you see error messages as well. Not just this, your computer suddenly freezes, making it impossible for you to work. If you are facing this challenge, then the computer is infected by a virus.


  1. Heavy network activity 

You are not using the internet connection, but you can see that internet connectivity is being used heavily. It could be a virus which is trying to send information back and forth.


  1. Your email is hijacked 

If any of your friends or colleagues start receiving emails and messages from you, which are unfamiliar to what you would typically send, then beware because it is a virus hijacking your account. Your friends on your social media platforms receive weird messages from your account asking them to click on a link. This is most likely the activity of a virus trying to hijack your friend’s account too. If someone complains about something similar, change your social media account password immediately.


  1. The browser has become sluggish 

Do you see an unfamiliar home page? Has it automatically changed without your permission? If so, then this is a virus attack. Don’t do anything, just run a scan of your computer to identify what kind of threat it is, and remove it.


  1. Computer’s protection disabled

Some virus can make security attacks as well. For instance, disabling the computer’s protection without your authorization. You might not be able to open an anti-virus, or you will see the firewall being disabled.
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Related Resources

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